
Java is my go-to language. I have been programing in Java for four years. I've created projects ranging from 3d games to creating a digital piano. In addition, I have created many encryption and decryption programs. One of my favorite projects I developed was an algorithm to solve magic squares.



For two years, I researched at Fermilab National Laboratory. The goal of the project was to calibrate hall probes to 10^-4 accuracy. The project involved heavy data analysis and multidimensional interpolation. The main data analysis was performed in MATLAB while data collection and hardware control were implemented with LabVIEW. Some of the hardware and graphical representation of the collected data can be seen on the left.



I have designed several apps and have published one. Most preform simple tasks like outputting current GPS coordinates or displays sensor data. Some of the apps that I have designed are complex utilizing login functionality and lockout timers. A few examples of the apps that I have designed can be seen on the right.

I have designed and published two websites including this portfolio. The other site can be reached by clicking the button below. I designed that website to be a capture the flag challenge and used CSS, html, JavaScript, and SQL. It requires knowledge of encryption and decryption, stenography, web manipulation and some programming to solve.


My experience of  CAD-ing is mainly using ONSHAPE. On the left several projects are displayed and can be interacted with. Currently, I am in the process of learning to CAD with Creo and I am hoping to familiarize myself with Solidworks in the future.

I have created many personal projects over the years, but these are my favorites. The first one is an autonomous website scrapper which collected stock information and stored it locally. The program was also able export data into a CVS format for easy analysis. My second project was a bot created to automate the task of playing an MMORPG. It analyzed the screens output and targeted specified enemies. In addition, it was randomized to throw off bot detection software and allowed for the local image database to be updated so that it was adaptable from game to game. My most recent project I am currently working on involves Prime computation and Parallel processing. I designed a program in MATLAB to compute primes and then store them within a txt file. Currently, I am implementing the Parallel processing function of the program in the aspiration of gathering a large data set to analyze. 

Personal Projects
